love our age

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Wow, this question is soooo good!

Hi friends…and all the new people this week! A quick intro…I’m Catherine Greer, owner of this sweet new pup, Evie, wife and mum living in Sydney, author of several books and the upcoming Bittersweet Bakery Cafe — yay, my first novel for adults!

Every Sunday, I share a happiness tip or some encouragement for us. This week, the news continues to be 💔, so I’m showing up with a little joy.

Lately I’ve been dealing with a lot…which leaves me sleepless and worried, which leads me to putting off tasks that normally aren’t that hard. But sometimes the hard tasks feel like the last straw when you’re under stress, and that’s me just now.

Life rolls in waves and troughs—we all know this—but when the troughs come, it can be hard to activate and do anything extra.

I’ve been procrastinating on a couple of things.

But here’s the truth — doing the extra thing is never that hard once I start it. It’s the dreading and leaving it that makes the whole task feel like a junk room in a hoarder’s house. Gah!

Last week I read the best question.


Thinking about what’s unlocked on the other side <of the not-fun activity!> has truly, truly helped.

I’m trying to remember that on the other side of the hard thing is something I’m doing for me.

Hope this helps you, too, as you enjoy this beautiful weekend…and love all the people you’ve been given to love.

Catherine x

P.S. The fun stuff!