Happy Father's Day, Australia!

Hi everyone — this guy, this is the father of our sons. He is, above all, a good sport. Ready to be silly when required by a fun-loving wife like me, ready to be stable when we need that (all the time). I can’t thank him enough…and one of the things I value the most is his willingness to have fun, and be fun.

It’s Father’s Day in Australia, which brings up so much for so many people. Thankfulness, gratitude, disappointment. Worry, regret, love. Wherever you land when you consider your relationship with your father (or the father of your children), I hope you can find wisdom and resolution.

We’re all so very human, and so flawed.

We’re all brilliant at some things. Terrible at others.

When I wrote The 10 Minute Fix, I asked a question. It’s an important one.

When I’m in the tumble dryer of worry and fear, or tiredness or disappointment, I stop and ask myself that question.

Am I being fun?

Could I be a little more fun?

What would that take?

Usually, it’s as simple as getting out of my own head, and thinking for a second about what might delight someone else. Then doing that thing. It can be so tiny:

  • an unexpected chocolate bar for my teen who is studying

  • a text saying, “I’m thinking about you today!”

  • NOT SAYING something (you left the kitchen in a mess / the lights on / the dog unwalked…)

I value FUN, but here’s the trick: fun starts with us being fun.

With us bringing the joy.

(I imagine all of you around the globe doing this, and the ripples of happiness extending to the people you love. What a difference we’ll make today.)

Love, Catherine x

PS. The Fun Stuff